Monday, January 5, 2015

Later today I'm going to my first job interview in, well, many years.  Had an 11:00am appt but was moved up to 3:00...Yay, more time to stress!  Nah, it's no big deal (inserting calming photo).  I'm interviewing them too so hopefully that'll take some stress off of me.  Just feels weird to have to go back out into the big scary world of business again after 4 years of "retirement".  Although I've been working, I've also been my own boss for 4 years which has been excellent, but not as fruitful as I'd wished.  Plus, I'm looking for more independence so I have to start somewhere and no time like the present.
Wish me luck, ya'll and I'll see you on the other side.


  1. Good luck. I have not worked outside the home in 12 years! I was an interior designer and the market was fantastic at the time. I decided to stay home when I was pregnant with Evan and by the time my second, Avery started school, the market was horribly crappy and I would have to start new with trying to get clients. So that's when I decided to start some Etsy shops. Glad I did, still gives me an opportunity to stay home with my kids. I don't make a ton of cash, but I make enough to pay for all the kids lessons, meals out, vacations and other fun stuff. I will wait until my kids are in college, and then I will go back to Interior Design. I am nervous for you, I would be so unprepared for an interview right now! Let us know how it goes, sending you good mojo!!

  2. Thanks so much Tara! I'll take all the good, positive and awesome mojo and juju out there! Last job I had I started in 1995!

  3. You are going to kill it! Best of luck, let us know how it goes,

    1. The interview went well, I think! Smallish office, 15 employees so that's always nice but no benefits except dental. Still, I think it's a place I could grow with and the boss was great, seemed to like me and asked if he were to call tomorrow, could i start Wed? "Absolutely!" One more day of interviews and they'll make a decision. If this one doesn't pan out I'll keep looking!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you! I think it did!? Lol, like I said it's been a long time and I was definitely nervous but once we started talking it really helped calm my nerves. If nothing else it'll help me with the next one, right? :-)
