Boy, it's been a whirlwind month! Lots of orders went out and still coming in, wrapping gifts, decorating the house and oh yeah...a pesky hacker drained my checking and savings accounts. What the hell is wrong with people? I guess we're just nameless, faceless sources to tap for them to buy more hacking equipment and software.
Somehow they can get your card number and make a copy, allowing them to order from online companies at will. No red flags went up at the credit union through all of this so I'll be looking at some other sources of account protection. As per usual, if you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself.
Just a heads up, watch your account closely, especially this time of year. I didn't watch mine close enough and they took every penny we had. Hopefully all will be resolved by the end of the week; fingers crossed, positive juju sent out into the universe and prayers sent.
Till then, I pick up my daughter at the airport tomorrow, have some last minute gifty things to buy, on credit, ugh, and food for a family dinner on Sunday.
I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe and hacker free holiday! Merry Christmas & Happy Chanukah to all.
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