Friday, May 22, 2015

I'll be taking a bit more of a break....

My job at the school is over, I made a lot of new friends and enjoyed my time there so much.  Bittersweet day today leaving such great people but I know I'll see them again and I hope I left them with the same feelings as they left me with.

Thanks for everything, Perkins Elementary Family; from the "good morning" greetings every day, the daily visits to my office from so many staffers, lunch buddies in "the nook", PTA lunches and even inside jokes, to the last hugs good bye and choking back tears.  After only 2 months I felt a part of their family.

Now for the break part.  I'm moving to Tampa on a temp basis at least and possibly permanent if a job comes along.  I am hoping something will come up in Pinellas so that I can stay on this side of the bay but hoping doesn't pay the I'm applying all over to find the right fit.
Also, I had an accident last week, the guy behind me rammed into my car and it's been totaled.  I'm fine, but I wasn't exactly in the position for my car to be gone and under pressure to replace it at this point in my life.  No job, getting divorced, moving in with family to help with expenses and now car shopping!  But, I hope that will be taken care of this weekend so that I can check it off the list and move forward.

Just too many things all happening at once so I'm taking some time off of my blogging and my shops.  I will still keep the jewelry open but my photo shop will be on hold until I can concentrate on it as I should.

Stay well, peace and love,